Providing Peace of Mind for Generations

Legacy Lawyers is a group of dedicated team members whose sole goal is to help clients protect their assets so that they may pass their legacy onto their families and other loved ones. We accomplish this goal through traditional estate planning and by helping seniors obtain better health care while protecting their assets from long term care costs.

Here at Legacy Lawyers, we have several areas of practice in which we specialize. A large portion of our expertise revolves around educating our clients about Elder Law. Elder Law includes discussions about Estate Planning, Asset Protection, Medicare and Medicaid Planning, and much more. If you need a probate lawyer, or a counselor to review and draft your Last Will and Testament, you need a professional Elder Law attorney!

What Sets Legacy Lawyers Apart

Our firm sets itself apart from other law practices by counseling our clients. We explain to our clients what can be done and advise them on their options, rather than telling them what to do. The team at Legacy Lawyers is made up of real people you can trust with the safety and future of your family. The client is our first priority and designing an estate plan to fit their financial, familial, and long-term goals is something on which we pride ourselves.

Our objective is your objective: to have peace of mind knowing your assets are protected and your legacy will pass on to your loved ones for generations to come. You can rest assured that Legacy Lawyers will do everything in our power to keep you satisfied.