Rita was born and raised in southeastern North Carolina and eventually made Wilmington her home in 2001. Early in life, her goals and ambitions did not include working in the legal field but then she met my future husband, and that's where she found herself.
Acting as her mother’s sole caretaker during a short-lived battle with a fatal disease taught Rita how to help to help others in their time of need, whether it is placing their loved one in a nursing home and trying to qualify for Medicaid benefits or needing reassurance that their loved ones will be taken care of after their passing. Now in the legal field for over twelve years, she finds each day more rewarding.
Admittedly a workaholic, Rita does like her time away from the office. Traveling is her true passion, whether to a place never experienced before or back to a favorite place full of wonderful memories. But for those times when she's unable to get away, a good mystery book will do.