Tax Consequences of Leaving Money to Your Grandchildren

Tax Consequences of Leaving Money to Your Grandchildren

What You Need to Know About Tax Penalties Before Gifting Money to Your Grandkids As a grandparent, some of your top priorities are likely helping out loved ones and keeping treasured heirlooms or property within the family for generations to come. Your generosity may...
Making Parental Dementia Decisions

Making Parental Dementia Decisions

Knowing What to Do If Your Parent Exhibits Signs of Dementia When a parent starts to show signs of mental decline, your first priority should be ensuring they are cared for medically. There are also financial concerns that need to be addressed, however, such as...
Plan Ahead With an Elder Law Strategy to Protect Your Kids

Plan Ahead With an Elder Law Strategy to Protect Your Kids

Why Working With an Elder Law Attorney Now Will Benefit Your Kids Later You worked hard to earn your assets, so you should get to decide where they go. Unfortunately, that may not be the case if you don’t plan ahead. That’s why you need to work with an elder law team...