Care Options Available for You or a Loved One Suffering From Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease takes a devastating toll—emotionally and financially—on both the patient and their family. When dealing with this diagnosis, you need to know what care solutions are viable in your situation. Not every option is right for every patient, and some are significantly more costly than others.
North Carolina Alzheimer’s Disease Care Choices
It is critical to prepare for deteriorating health early enough that you can still make sound medical and financial decisions for yourself, as well as before your condition becomes a serious financial burden on your family. This kind of planning isn’t just crucial for lower-income families, but also for wealthier families as long-term treatment can easily eat into assets meant to pass onto your children.
North Carolina care options for Alzheimer’s disease patients include:
- Adult day services
- In-home care
- Hospice for improving the quality of life when death is imminent
- Nursing home stays for long-term care
Remaining at home and having care provided by a loved one can still require major changes that may become expensive, such as securing the property to deal with memory issues and declining health. Providing this type of care to a family member may cause a bigger impact in terms of time and personal mental health than you may realize. Remaining at home means having someone manage medications; assisting with bathing, dressing, and wound care; handling chores; and even assisting in using the bathroom. The monetary costs go further up when in-home services like health aides become necessary.
As the disease progresses, a nursing home stay will likely be a better option. An attorney is an essential component to making sure you qualify for any financial assistance you may need for nursing home coverage such as Medicaid. Qualifying for coverage can be tricky as the program uses a five-year lookback period that may cause problems if you’ve gifted assets to family members.
ou may also need to provide power of attorney to a family member or other third party to ensure someone with your best interests in mind continues to make solid decisions on your behalf when your condition worsens.
Talk to an Experienced Elder Law Attorney for More Info
Whether you want to remain at home for as long as possible or are looking to make the move to around-the-clock care at a nursing home facility, send us a message with the basic details of your situation. We want to help find the right way for you to receive the best care possible while protecting your assets.