Do I need to worry about elder law planning as a veteran?
After serving your country, you shouldn’t have to worry about how you are going to remain financially stable while receiving medical care. That’s why anyone who has spent time in the armed services should think about an elder law plan to prepare for the future. As a veteran, you may need to consider a variety of financial and legal options—from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to civilian programs—to make sure both you and your family are cared for in your later years.
Accessing VA Elder Care Options
If you eventually need around-the-clock assistance at a nursing home or have to receive in-home care, the VA can be a major asset, but there are some potential pitfalls as well. The VA places veterans into priority groups to determine whose care is covered first. Your place in the priority groupings is dependent on whether your disability is specifically related to your military service as well as how strongly that disability impacts your life.
Depending on the number of people in higher priority groupings ahead of you, nursing home coverage isn’t guaranteed. If you have a disability that requires changes to your daily life, talk to your VA social worker and then contact an elder law attorney to find out the next steps you need to take.
Different avenues may be available to you depending on your specific circumstances. For instance, you may need to use the VA Aid & Attendance benefit—which can be utilized even if you don’t have a disability directly caused by your time in uniform. While this program is helpful if you or your spouse need assistance with daily tasks, it has a multi-year lookback clause that scrutinizes your assets and has a hard cap on coverage—much like Medicaid for civilians.
Even if you do qualify, VA benefits don’t always cover the full cost, and copays may be involved with elder care. The bottom line is that any veteran may end up needing to utilize other services besides the VA to plan for a nursing home stay or make changes at home to age in place.
Contact an Elder Law Attorney Today for More Info
Call or email us today to schedule a consultation. We would be honored to help find the best options to plan for your future, whether that’s Medicaid, VA assistance, or making other financial moves tailored to your specific situation.
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